Venue: Watch the event via Worksup
Date: January 27th 2021
Time: 10:30 – 18:00
Language: English and Estonian
Delta X 2021 is a novel competition formed by the University of Tartu and the city of Tartu, which aims to promote solutions based viewpoint and encourage students to challenge themselves. In the Delta X final, the best teams will be determined in four competition categories: robotics, digital solutions, business models and mathematics. The best teams will be awarded with cash prizes or, with professional mentoring to make the ideas come true.
Robot basketball
I place Age of Gods
II place DipWookie
III place True Ranomness
Special prizes:
Autonomous drone challenge
I place The Drone
II place Cowboy Bebop
III place No Imagination
Special prizes:
I place DeltaQR
II place Delta visualisatsiooni projekt
III place Blazingly fast and typo tolerant search engine
I place Biometric Access Control System Using ID Card
II place Face recognition
I place StringArt
II place Brain Data Visualization
III place SwingFinity ja Image Reproducing with Genetic Algorithm
I koht Team 1
II koht Team 3
III koht Team 2
I place Siinus- ja koosinusteoreemide videoseeria
II place Simpsoni paradoksi video
III place CorDartboard
The jury did not give out prize places in this category.
I place Iselagunevad hauaküünlad
II place Pillbox
Recognitions: Konnekt, Print on demand
I place CommuniCare
II place Sorterman
III place E-MO and ÕF Futuruum
Recognitions: Infinder, LearNet, Workstud
The special prize was not given out due to the fact that no registered solutions did not meet the set conditions.
In the robotics competition, teams from robot basketball and autonomous drone challenge will be competing.
Lunch break: 13.00 – 14.00
The schedule for autonomous drone challenge:
10.00 – 11.00 Cowboy Bebop
11.00 – 12.00 No Imagination
12.00 – 13.00 Juuksur
14.00 – 15.00 The Drone
15.00 – 16.00 Me and My 4
16.00 – 17.00 Safax
14.00 – 14.07 Introduction
14.07 – 14.12 Greeting from Professor Alvo Aabloo
14.12 – 14.20 Announcing the recipient of Eno Tõnisson´s stipend and the best works of Delta Photo Contest, Professor Jaak Vilo
Smart solutions in the University of Tartu Delta Centre
Blazingly fast and typo tolerant search engine
Delta visualatsiooni projekt
Audio or video processing: webcam and/or microphone-based real-time Solutions
Face recognition
eID hackathon: new solutions for the Estonian electronic identity ecosystem
Biometric Access Control System Using ID Card
Art in science: how to see art in mathematics, data science, and other fields of science?
Brain Data Visualization
Glyptics Portrait Generator
Image Reproducing with Genetic Algorithm
Genetic Algorithms for Evolutionary Art
Self-Driving Competition
14.20 – 14.40 Higher mathematics with visual aids
14.40 – 15.00 CorDartboard
15.00 – 15.20 Siinus- ja koosinusteoreemide videoseeria
15.20 – 15.40 Simpsoni paradoksi video
15.40 – 16.00 Log-regressiooni mudel
16.20 – 16.40 parse.json
Social innovation:
Kõrgkooli sisseastumise konsultatsioon
Laste arenduskeskus
Platvorm tudengite erialaste teadmiste rakendamiseks
Turvaline Tee
Wirdos Academy
ÕF futuruum
Õnnelikud suhted
New start-up ideas:
Iselagunev hauaküünal
Print on demand e-platvorm
Ride Me
Spordipsühholoogilise funktsiooniga treeningpäevik
Welcome to the Delta Management School Community
Dear students, researchers, today’s and tomorrow’s partners and other interested parties! Delta Management School is a modern, multidisciplinary and experimental study, research and innovation centre.
Delta Management School
University of Tartu Delta Building
Narva mnt 18 / 51009 Tartu / ESTONIA
Open every day 07.30 am – 08.00 pm
Location map
Delta Café is open Monday to Friday 11 pm – 4:30 pm. / +372 5302 8944
Reception Desk (only technical information):
+372 737 6363; + 372 5331 4670
Parking for guests is available at the UT Sports Hall or Ujula Coop parking lots.