

Posted by Andres

The Power of Feedback

When a big part of the work is done remotely and teams become increasingly multicultural and multi-generational, the ability to give and receive feedback becomes essential. So much so that some companies build their corporate culture around straightforward, performance-enhancing feedback. Case in point – Pipedrive, an Estonian unicorn company with $1.5bn valuation, whose Junior Recruiter Saskia Rosimannus spoke to the Bachelor of BA students at the Delta Management School, University of Tartu. In her presentation ‘Feeback Culture at Pipedrive’, Saskia emphasized the critical impact of feedback on employee evaluation, promotion, and compensation and the numerous tools of recognition company employees use to appreciate each other’s work.

Among the key factors of effective feedback, the Pipedrive way, are the following:

  • describe behavior only, not person;
  • don’t assume or interpret;
  • check your own bias, be objective, as fact-based as possible;
  • no judging, no labeling;
  • speak only for yourself;
  • express your feelings honestly and own them;
  • speak plainly, clearly, be specific;
  • allow freedom for receiver: to change or not;
  • feedback is more effective when asked;
  • make sure you are understood (ask how the receiver understood you).

Photos and text by Maryna Starodubska.

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